WE BELIEVE THAT Although we are a little business, we all look up at the same big sky.

Little Sky was started with a passion for better gelato (amazing, natural gelato!) free from artificial colours and flavourings, to be shared with friends and family. We are devoted to bringing people together and creating an experience in a welcoming space that makes everyone feel good.

But Little Sky is bigger than gelato. It’s about being the change we want to see in our world.

We wanted to create a Bayside business that was in partnership with our suppliers as we think it’s important to know where all our ingredients came from. We believe that you can grow a business as a community, and our community of people is part of who we are so we want to make sure we are always giving back.

Being environmentally responsible is also a priority in running our business. We really love our planet, after all it’s a great place to live, and we want to do our part in looking after it.

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our ingredientS

Less is more when it comes to our ingredients. We won’t ever use artificial flavourings or colourings, or off-the-shelf mixes. We buy direct from our suppliers as we like to know the people we are buying from, and get higher quality ingredients because of it. And we are guided by seasons which give us inspiration for our flavours.

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giving back

Little Sky is not only about great gelato, it’s about being part of the community in which we live and operate in.

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Our sustainability goals are all about the little changes we can make as a business that make the world a better place. We know they are small but, as the saying goes, it all adds up. Imagine if every business behaved in the same way - what a difference that could make.